Certifications and Accreditations

Certification and Acknowledgements



Certificate of quality management system


Manage the execution, the maintenance and the improvement of the quality system of SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, by means of quality standards applied to all the organization according with the norm ISO 9001:2015 and their respective audits.

Quality policy

The School of Physical Education offers programs and educational services in the area of activity physical-sportive and its applied sciences, having as an objective offering quality services on the management, the facilities, the programs and the development of the academic and administrative staff. Committed to satisfy the requirements of the society with efficiency and productivity thru the continuous improvement.


The School of Physical Education is a unit of public nature whose purpose is to train professionals with a social commitment in the area of physical education, sport, recreation and exercise science; to satisfy the present and future needs that the national and international society demand, ensuring constantly the quality and promoting the research and the development of our educational programs.


The School of Physical Education is recognized in 2020 as a unit socially responsible world-class for its quality, relevance and contributions to the academic, scientific and social development of the physical education, sport, recreation and exercise science.


As a pioneer institution with social recognition, the teachers, students, clerks and service personnel are ruled by the following values: Dignity, Commitment, Identity with the Institution, Ethics, Responsibility and Unity.


*Reinforce the quality culture under the norm ISO 9001:2015.

*Prevention to avoid complaints and claims.

*Prevention to obtain a higher rate of terminal approval effectiveness.

*Constant training of the academic and administrative staff.

*To offer better service.

*First institution in the sport area, physical education, applied science at a national level to accomplish an ISO certification.

Bachelor's degree

National accreditation

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Our school obtained the recognition for 3rd consecutive year of “Academic Merit” by the CIEES “The Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of the College Education” since our bachelor degree in Sport Science (schooled) has fulfilled the academic requirements.

By indications of the Rector Dr. Jesús Ancer Rodríguez through the Directorate of Undergraduate Studies makes mention that the School of Physical Education is working on the indicators of the CIEES to certify for the first time the program of the degree in Sport Sciences with the modality non-formal (distance). During this reported period, was commissioned the MES. José Luís Martínez Montoya with the support of the MC. Juan Antonio de Ochoa Sierra, Lic. Javier Palacios Rodríguez and the Lic. Mary Carmen Saucedo Zuñiga for its development.

Internactonal accreditation


On May 6th, 2013 the school obtained one of the most important recognitions of its academic life, the International Accreditation of the Academic Program of the degree in Sport Sciences. The president Dr. John E. Mayer of The International Sports Professionals Association (ISPA) delivers this recognition to the Rector of the UANL Dr. Jesús Ancer Rodríguez and to the Dr. Oswaldo Ceballos Gurrola Director of SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION.

Postgraduate degree

PhD program accredited by:


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