Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

The physical and medical sportive rehabilitation center of the School of Physical Education has the purpose to offer a comprehensive service to people who had suffered a physical disability (temporary or permanent) because of an accident or a disease.

According with World Health Organization (WHO), physiotherapy develops different tasks and techniques to diagnose a functional failure in the organism. The service the school offers is always committed to provide the best care for the patients, helping their prompt recovery and looking after each technique taught with highly trained personnel for its fulfillment.

We have an ample schedule, a fully-equipped space and material that complement a good place to go when it is needed.

Our physical rehabilitation center provides service to all the university population (students, teachers and administrative personnel), as well as all the metropolitan area of Monterrey.

Rehabilitation Areas

o Sport injuries.
o Sport medicine (high performance athletes).
o Assessments pre-competition to students who are participating in representative teams.
o Diseases related to orthopedics and traumatology.
o Neurological diseases.
o Post-operative rehabilitation.
o Rehabilitation to the elderly and degenerative diseases.
o Application of neuromuscular bandage and functional taping.


o Waiting room
o Hydrotherapy area
o Gym area
o Consultation area and auscultation
o Therapy area
o Bathrooms
o Lockers
o Area of research

Our personnel have proper and continuous training to ensure quality delivery with humane treatment.
The rehabilitation center is also an academic center of research and education for the future professionals in our society.


o Physical therapy
o Occupational therapy
o Sport medicine
o Rehabilitation medicine

Manager of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Dr. Jesús Herrera Orozco
Phone: 13 40 44 50 and 51 Ext: 7613

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